ⓧ Vega
Shortnotice Studio designed a publication for Vega, a collaboration by Olav Westphalen and Samuel Nyholm on the occasion of their exhibition at Kunsthalle Bremen in 2023.
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Kunst Vereint! Die frühen Jahre der Sammlung“ entsteht im Alten Studiensaal ein Projekt, das zwischen formaler Bürokratie und freiem Spiel changiert: Der Verein VEGA wird gegründet (Verein für erzählerische Geschichtsaufarbeitung). Die Gründer und bislang einzigen Mitglieder sind die Künstler Samuel Nyholm (*1973 Lund, Schweden) und Olav Westphalen (*1963, Hamburg).
VEGA betreibt eine freie, zeichnerische Aufarbeitung von Werken aus der Sammlung des Kupferstichkabinetts. Zu sehen sind unter anderem Papierarbeiten von Francisco de Goya, Edvard Munch, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec und Nan Goldin. Im Dialog mit diesen hochkarätigen Werken und auch weniger bekannten Blättern wartet VEGA mit überraschenden Geschichten und Verbindungen, mit einer Vielzahl von Zeichnungen und Collagen auf. Dabei versteht sich der Verein nicht zuletzt als eine dynamische Intervention, die eine humorvolle Analyse von Strukturen des Museums betreibt. Mit der Bereitstellung von Ordnern, Ablagen, Stempeln und Listen wird der Alte Studiensaal auch zu einem Plädoyer für die Schönheit der Verwaltung.
Im Verlauf der Ausstellung (bis 10. September 2023) nimmt die alltägliche Vereinsarbeit ihren Lauf. Interessierte Besucher*innen sind herzlich eingeladen sich VEGA – dem neuen Verein im Verein – anzuschließen.”
—Kunsthalle Bremen, 2023
This semester Mathias Lempart is teaching a seminar called “Point Of No Return” together with Sascia Reibel 🌊 at Kunsthochschule Kassel <3
Mathias Lempart is a Polish-German artist and graphic designer born in 1990 in Ozimek, Poland. He received his Diplom in Communication Design from the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, Germany, with minors in Art Research and Product Design. He has conducted seminars, workshops, and artist talks at various universities and institutions in Germany, France, and the UK. Together with his design partner Sascia Reibel, he co-founded Shortnotice Studio, Berlin in 2020. With a focus on contemporary art and visual culture, Shortnotice Studio celebrates a speculative and open-ended approach to graphic design, creating a space for collaboration with professionals from other fields of thought. Their list of clients ranges from NIKE to Kunsthalle Basel. Mathias has exhibited internationally in non-commercial contemporary art spaces such as Künstlerhaus Bremen, Germany, the Museum of Humor and Satire Gabrovo, Bulgaria and Nida Art Colony, Lithuania. Currently Mathias is exhibiting in the group show The Art of The Palliative Turn at the Bauhaus Museum Dessau. He is included in the 100 Best Posters from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 2019 and 2021. In 2020 he was a German Design Award Newcomer nominee. This year, together with Sascia Reibel, Mathias has been awarded the Peter Jacobi Foundation stipend, which includes an exhibition and a one-term teaching position at the Pforzheim University, Germany.
—Future Mobility And Other Ghosts From The Past. The Ship Edition curated by Christina Scheib, MS Dauerwelle, University of the Arts Bremen, Germany, 2024
—The Art of The Palliative Turn, Intermezzo, group show curated by Oliver Klimpel, Bauhaus Museum Dessau, Germany, 2023
—The Palliative Turn, group show curated by Nadja Quante, Kasia Fudakowski and Olav Westphalen, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Germany 2022 *press*
—Sensitivity Training, group show, Museum of Humor and Satire with APT at the 25th International Biennale of Humor and Satire in Art, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, May–September 2022
—Performance at KW Institute for Contemporary Art with APT hosted by Kasia Fudakowski, Berlin, Germany 2022
—Lecture for BA students (with Sascia Reibel) at University of Brighton, United Kingdom, 2022
—Docent for MA students (with Sascia Reibel) at SoVC, at the University of the Arts Bremen, Germany, 2021–2022
—Guest lecture for BA and MA students (with Sascia Reibel) at the Design Department, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
—The Palliative Turn (group) initiated by Olav Westphalen, 2021, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Germany
—Docent for BA and MA students at Institut für Kunst, the University of Education Karlsruhe, Germany, 2020–22
—Commission on the occasion of INFORMATION (Today) with Shortnotice Studio, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland
—Nominee for German Design Award 2020 Newcomer
More Exhibitions
—Bad Readings curated by Diane Hillebrand, 2020, Badischer Kunstverein, Germany
—MM-U devised by Clémentine Deliss, 2019, 33rd Ljubliana Biennial of Graphic Arts, Slovenia
—Life Intense curated by Dovile Tumpyte and Marina Noronha, 2019, Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
—Face In, Face Out performed for and with Olav Westphalen, 2019, Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
—100 Beste Plakate 2018, Kulturforum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Doosung Paper, Museum für angewandte Kunst Wien, Quartier Général, Museum Folkwang, École cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Haute école d'art et de design Genève
—Proto Migraine Buildings (diploma exhibition), 2018, Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Germany
—Postdemocratic Picture Party, 2018, Federal Agency For Civic Education Bonn, Germany
—Holy, 2012, Löwenpalais, Germany
—2-3 Straßen by Jochen Gerz, 2010, Germany
—Nida Art Colony, Lithuania, 2019
—Heimatverein, Diessen am Ammersee, Germany, 2017
—WOW Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2016–2017
—Peter Starke Foundation, Berlin, Germany, 2011–2013
—2-3 Straßen NRW Kultursekretariat, Dortmund, Germany, 2010–2011
—Goethe Institute Vilnius, 2019
—Promos, 2018
—Erasmus Plus, 2016
—Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2015
—Diplom-Designer in Communication Design (major), Product Design and Art Research (minors) awarded by the University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018
Via Shortnotice Studio: Badischer Kunstverein, Berlin Biennale, Kunsthalle Basel, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Chisenhale Gallery, Catinca Malaimare, Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, Collective Ending, Dan Solbach, Débora Delmar, Emma Hart, Isabel Mehl, Jana Kerima Stolzer, Jonathan Baldock, Lauren Godfrey, Lex Rütten, Mayra Rodriguez Castro, Nike, Olav Westphalen, Pearl Doughty White, Perce Jerrom, Rachel Monosov, Rafał Zajko, Seth Pimlott, Sofia Bordin, TCV Berlin, Teal Griffin, Transitorywhite, University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe, Villa Massimo Rome, Xavier Robles De Medina, Yann Chateigné, Zygimantas Kurdika and others.
—Docent for BA and MA students at the University of Education Karlsruhe, Germany, 2020–2023
—Designer, Shortnotice Studio with Sascia Reibel, Berlin, Germany, est. 2020
—Designer, Fraser Muggeridge studio, London, England, 2019–2020
—Federal representative, Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s scholars, Bonn, Germany, 2017–2018
—Tutor, Adobe Photoshop, University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe, Germany, 2017–2018
All rights reserved © 2023
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Mathias Lempart
Calvin Straße 31
10557 Berlin
Website Design by Conversation Taking Place. Taking Place. Place. (Immo Schneider)